Hey guys,
My name is Allie and I have been reading blogs for a few years now. I finally decided that I should start one as an activity just for me during my chaotic schedule. I am a junior in high school and can't believe that college is almost here. I hope to use this as a fun outlet that I enjoy coming back to each day.
This year I have decided to come up with 17 goals and resolutions for 2017 that should cover almost every aspect of my life. I don't plan on making any outrageous changes that I know I can't stick to. Instead, I want to focus more on my attitude towards certain things I do and do more of what I love.
1. Show Kindness Every Day: Through out the upcoming year I plan to show kindness each day to every person I see. Through this I hope to make each persons day brighter through a simple gesture.
2. Start a Blog: I am considering this one a success so far and I hope I continue to stick with it.
3. Drink More Water: I know you are supposed to drink 8 cups of water a day, but I can't seem to do it. This year I am going to push myself to just carry a water bottle around with me where ever I go. If I don't get the full 8 cups in that's fine, as long as I drink more than I was before.
4. Workout Four Days a Week: I hate working out and I can't see how anyone can enjoy suffering and not being able to breath for an hour. However, I do enjoy a good yoga class or a nice hike. I am going to try to incorporate that into my daily schedule and utilize my free gym membership.
5. Enjoy School: Some days school can be such a hassle. Right now I am on winter break and I am dreading going back to school and being cramped in a desk for 6 hours. I also remember that there are times when I love school. I need to remember that my education is important and I need to value it. In the importance of value I also need to remember that understanding and memorizing are two very different things and have very different outcomes.
6. Add Another Stamp To My Passport: This summer I plan to travel to Australia and I can't wait. I am not sure what I am going to do there, but it will be great to explore some place new!
7. Enjoy Reading a Book Each Month: I love reading, but I don't love searching for a book. Slowly I have collected a few books that I can't wait to read over the next few months. I think that a plan to finish one a month will allow me to enjoy each book and read at my own pace.
8. Apply to 10 Colleges (and hopefully know where I am going by the end of the year): This year I am a junior and I can't believe that towards the end of the summer I will be applying to colleges and possibly know where I am going by the end of the year! Yikes!
9. To Not Lose Any Earrings: This may seem silly, but I can't seem to keep a pair of earrings. I take them out because my ears hurt and next thing you know they are gone. My plan is to try to keep all my earrings in the same place and if not have a designated spot in my purse/backpack for them.
10. Travel To Another Continent: Australia again! I have traveled to South America, however this will be my first trip across an entire ocean!
11. Learn To Make a Latte At Home: I love lattes from Starbucks, but paying $4.75 for a latte each day is outrageous. I have tried a few Keurig lattes, but they aren't the same! This is the year I am going to master making my own.
12. Finish My Room: My family moved into a new house exactly one year ago and my room still isn't done. I have stuff all over the place and I have yet to paint it the color I want. Hopefully I can find time in my crazy schedule to paint it!
13. Challenge Myself Every Day: Each day I want to be able to say I pushed myself no matter the aspect of my life. I want to feel like a did something different than the day before no matter how small the challenge may be.
14. Learn A New Word Each Day: I have a word a day on my computer but I don't always read it. If I take the extra 30 seconds to just read the word and think of a sentence to use it in; I definitely think I could expand my vocabulary.
15. Have a Weekly Date With My Mom: With my mom and I's busy schedule I don't always feel like we get quality time. Earlier this year we did this and it was great, but it slowly fizzled away when school took more time.
16. Have More Fun With My Sister: My sister and I are constantly at each other and we don't always remember that we are sisters and we just need to have fun with it. I plan to just take our car rides to school and make them more memorable every day.
17. Volunteer More: I actually volunteer once a week and I love it so much! Somehow I want to incorporate picking up a few more shifts when they need it. It makes such a difference and I hope I can be able to give it as much time as I can.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day,