
Monday, February 20, 2017

Top 5 Netflix Shows

Hello Everyone,

Since today is presidents day and that means no school. I will be spending my time touring a college(whoop whoop love junior year) and pretending to do homework while watching Netflix. I have a few go to shows on Netflix.

Bones is such a good show. It is a mystery/drama/thriller. It is amazing and I can't ever stop. Me and my mom have ended each day by watching a episode or 2. If you have time, start this show. You will not regret it.

Gilmore Girls:
Gilmore Girls will always be my all time favorite show ever. I can't tell you how much joy I get out of watching this show. The reboot was amazing. This show will always have a space in my heart. If you have a great relationship with your mom, this show will hit you hard. This show will always be in my continued watching, because I can never stop watching this show.

Grey's Anatomy:
Greys Anatomy is a great show, up to the recent season. On Netflix it is great because you can avoid the new season all together. This show started my love for Netflix, it is such a dramatic/romance that keeps me on my toes. No matter how many times I watch, it will continuously show me things I have never seen before. 

New Girl:
This show is so happy and uplifting. It is nice at the end of a stressful day where you want a non violent easy show. This is my go to on days like this. The main character is also the sister of the main character in Bones. This also has a great current season.

Everyone knows of this show and for good reason. It is hilarious and filmed with humor. Each line and character is easily one of the best written things I know. My mom loves it, my dad does, my grandma, and my sister. This is the best common ground show without having to give up anything. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this and got to spend this day in a super relaxing way. 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Packing for the Weekend

Its been forever and I am sorry, but school got super stressful. It was the whole end of the semester finals chaos. However they were stressful, I did better than I could have ever hoped or expected them to go. Back to business, my parents are divorced and my dad lives out of state. However, he comes back every other weekend. From this I see him every other weekend and stay at his girlfriend's house then. I have practically mastered packing for a weekend.

First things first, always pack the necessities first and everything else comes second. Here are the first things that always go into my bag. With these few items I know I can spend the night and come and grab clothes in the morning if I need. 
  • Undergarments 
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Face wash, moisturizer, deodorant
  • PJ's
  • Socks
Once these are in my bag I can get to the other things. I start with the most important staples of an outfit. For me that involves the next day essentials and other mandatory outfits.
  • Work Uniform
  • Jeans or leggings
  • Versatile top
  • Light Weight coat
  • Makeup basics (foundation, concealer, powder, blush, and mascara)
  • Change of shoes if needed
Finally these are the things that go into my bag last. This is anything that is more of a comfort to me than a necessity. These are also things I could go without, but are always nice additions to have.
  • Perfume
  • Jewelry
  • Heavy coat (weather is always a mystery)
  • Straightener
I hope this helps you guys. I know a lot of people have trouble when it comes to packing for times like this. I hope this can help any of you! Have a great day!